Working as a university lecturer at Aalto-University, the school of Arts, Design and Architecture. Specialising in emerging practises within art and art education. My teaching encompasses many themes within arts, technology and education, from multi-literacy to artistic research. My particular focus areas are post-digital art and education (Code, data, AI, electronics, robotics) and critical education technology research. I am also proficient in many areas of visual arts and have done MA in art focusing on painting. Therefore I am very interested in all kinds of mergings of traditional and new, or digital and physical, bits and bytes.

I have previously teached creative coding, wearable electronics, interactive art, sound art and similar courses in Aalto Arts University, University of Turku, Univeristy of Helsinki anf University of Tampere.

I am also co-founder and teacher at art and craft school Robotti

I give public talks and arrange courses around the issues of digitality, code, art, craft and education.