Not AI, but Abstract Statistic Systems

Recently, I held a keynote on The Al Conundrum in Photographic Art-seminar, focusing on the general understanding and discussion around generative AI. The seminar explored the reasons and ways that artificial intelligence is being used by artists today and included interesting artist talks from Hilde Honerud, Tuomo Rainio, Mikaela Steby Stenfalk, Ida Kvetny and Diana Velasco.

Moreover, the Director of the Finnish Museum of Photography, Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, gave a wonderful commentary on my keynote, and after the talks, there was a lively discussion from the panel consisting of Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, artists and Donald Weber, Associate Professor at Aalto University. The seminar was organised by the Association of Photographic Artists (FI) in collaboration with three Nordic photography institutions, Centrum fรถr fotografi (SE), Fotografisk center (DK), Preus Museum (NO), and Aalto University.

Below is a transcript of that talk.

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Brewday: Pilsner ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ

At last, it's time to tackle the first brew with the new system. I pondered a great deal about what kind of lager to brew, a smoky Bamberg-style proto-lager, a replica of some large macro-beer, like Heineken or Carlsberg? A Budweiser? A more modern take with American-style hops? A Bock?

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