Book review: Audiovisual Disruption: Post-Digital Aesthetics in Contemporary Audiovisual Arts

Audiovisual Disruption: Post-Digital Aesthetics in Contemporary Audiovisual Arts offers a compelling exploration of the post-digital, providing a solid theoretical and practical foundation for understanding this critical concept. By situating the post-digital not as a mere chronological marker after digitalisation but as an entangled condition where digital, analogue, and material practices coexist, the book establishes itself as an essential resource for scholars and practitioners alike.

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Misrecollection of forgetting’ -The absent minded programmers guide to machine learning

“Programming is forgetting” teaches Allison Parrish, an NY-based artist, and programmer (Parrish, 2016). What she means is that by translating functions, actions and material into the digital world by programming we make compromises and forget the complexity of the world.

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Grasping AI systems

Together with Mikko Dufva, I have started working on a project that handles the disconnect between the sophisticated digital systems and the experience of them. In particular, we focus on the new artificial intelligence systems that are being brought into many fields of society -including education.

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