Contempora intearther -machine interprets my dissertation and end of the year musings about AI

One of the big things in digital technology this year has been the advancements in AI and in particular in machine learning (ML). A lot of great and exciting things has been written about them this year. From the almost incredible mind-reading AI to dystopian visions and further. Despite, AI and ML are producing novel ideas and applications, in some way the current hype of AI and ML reminds me of the hype of big data, or digitalisation, just a while back. The idea remains the same, but the buzzword has just changed.

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T-Shirts from the FUTURE(S)!

As the year draws to an end so does this year's drawing project. Less than a month left with the words about the future-drawings. I have not decided on next year’s theme yet, but while I’m busy planning that, now is your (change in a lifetime) to buy yourself, or someone else, a beautiful, lovely T-shirt with a word about the future. Show the world that you are ahead of your time by getting one of these shirts.

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Misrecollection of forgetting’ -The absent minded programmers guide to machine learning

“Programming is forgetting” teaches Allison Parrish, an NY-based artist, and programmer (Parrish, 2016). What she means is that by translating functions, actions and material into the digital world by programming we make compromises and forget the complexity of the world.

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Digi-grasping article out now!

One of the significant questions in digitality for me has been, and is, the experience of it. How do we experience the different digital signals, processes, algorithms, nonhuman actors, that establish, create and modify our digital surroundings? Is digitality really an out of body experience, meaning we can't grasp it with our being? Or could there be embodied digitality? Not virtual, or augmented reality, but can we comprehend the digitality in our everyday lives?

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